Lesson 3 EXAM. This time 10 consecutive retrieves in face of HIGH distractions


Set up a Tunnel of Distractions for this EXAM. I need to see a total of 10 Retrieves @ 1" set up in a tunnel of real life TOUGH distractions. I need to see the EXAM from the dogs left side so I can see the forward motion of the dogs head.

Here is my Tunnel of Distractions for this EXAM done in 2018. This was Boaz's EXAM # 3 for real.

Pree is closest to Boaz on his right on a Stand with her rear towards Boaz's nose. Pree is in heat. Sugar is beside Pree and losing his mind because Pree is in heat.

On Boaz's left side of the Tunnel is the following:

Iko, a full grown GSD dog losing his mind because Pree is RIGHT there and in heat

Nava, a grown GSD bitch losing her mind because the dogs are losing their mind because Pree is in heat.

SOOO, it was cold and literally, I had my hands full just getting this EXAM done, coaching the camera gal, keeps the dogs steady doing my Tunnel, and doing everything correctly. I sometimes do NOT verbally speak every command listed below in # 1,2,4,7, but I want you each to speak each of the commands outloud for your EXAM.

The EXAM sequencing is what you have been instructed to do which is the following:

1. "Collar high and snug"
2. "Fold back"
3. Thumb IN ear (no pressure)
4. "Fetch" and ear pressure only if needed to move dog forward
5. Once dowel is in dogs mouth, release any pressure
6. Conditioned Relaxation
7. "Give"

and repeat 9 more times.

*REMINDER* I need to see a total of 10 retrieves in 1 session and the camera person/viewpoint of the camera needs to be from the dogs left side so I can see the dogs head forward movement.

*NOTE- Dog must do at least 8 retrieves WITHOUT any EC pressure to pass.*


Redd's Lesson 3 EXAM in 2020


Do a total of 10 sequential retrieves in the face of a new HIGH distraction. To pass this EXAM is to show the dog moves its head forward 1" on command or is willing to pay the price tag of an EC to do what it is commanded to do.

The EXAM sequencing is what you have been instructed to do which is the following:

1. "Collar high and snug"
2. "Fold back"
3. Thumb IN ear (no pressure)
4. "Fetch" and ear pressure only if needed to move dog forward
5. Once dowel is in dogs mouth, release any pressure
6. Conditioned Relaxation
7. "Give"

and repeat 9 more times.

Dog must do at least 8 retrieves WITHOUT any EC to pass Lesson 3 EXAM.


And here's Jessi and Ace just this past summer doing their RC EXAM


I think we did okay. 

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