EXAM # 1: The "HOLD" in HIGH distractions for 90 seconds
EXAM # 2: The 12 - 15" retrieve, heading to the ground, 6 retrieves with NO EC or 12 retrieves with 80 success rates. Looking for steadiness in the dog and consistency in the handler.
EXAM # 3: The "Jump-Jump" command, done 3 times.
EXAM # 4: The "Swing"
EXAM # 5: A complete heeling pattern video using Heeling Stick. Include straight line heeling, Right Turn, Left Turn, Right About Turn and Figure 8.
Ruth will be doing all her Lesson 7 EXAM(s) today. Please post all 5 EXAM(s) on one Post for my review. It is extra work for me to review multiple pages of individual EXAM(s). If you don't know how to do that, ask me.