Saturday sensory overload for 4-month-old Sugar.


I got permission to bring Sugar to our church Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday so had Wayne drop us off around 10:00 am. What an adventure we had as there were multiple training opportunities for Sugar! Mainly we stayed around the tables where hundreds of people (the bulk were children) were milliing around making Easter Baskets, getting snacks, doing crafts, and etc. Sugar was approached soooo many times and we went through my 'Meet'n'Greet' routine multiple times. He's put on a Sit and I ask if they want to pet him, the parents would say yes, and I'd instruct the child to hold out their hand, palm up, to Sugar's nose, then carefully touch his neck, shoulders and ears.

He did this at least 20+ times, with different families, that at one point he looked at me as if to ask, "Do I really have to do this again?" and I'd say "Yes, and so we did. I did around 6 Stay-Sits with Sugar watching kids play in front of him at a distance of less than 10 ' so that was great practice. Then we went walking and found some kids blowing bubbles - which Sugar was fascinated with even when they landed on his nose - so I asked the kids to do it more so he could get used to it. Too funny! Then off to the grass to observe the crazy Easter Egg Hunt with over 200+ children running and screaming while finding eggs. We were less than 20' from the chaos and although Sugar's initial reaction was to sit and watch, eventually he settled into a Long Down on the grass with me on his right.

Twas a crazy morning.....and exceptional socialization practice!


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