Saturday, December 10, 2022

Week 10 Exam

 We really need to work on speed! Yikes!


  1. Week 10 exam is posted. No, you’re not watching it in slow motion. That was Molly’s actual speed.

  2. Pass. Yes, she's slow just like Fran, and Mosa are right now.

    We will work on increasing speed (distractions), precision (on pick up), and extending distance (bring LL's to class) today in class. We will also work on RoHJ. One more lesson, next week, and this RC is over

  3. Noticeably improved handler mechanics and you have ceased dancing!

    It's amazing how coaching the handler to clean, crisp mechanics automatically helps their dog to improve, isn't it?

  4. It really is. It helps her understand what I need her to do. Thanks, again!
