Saturday, December 31, 2022

Week 12 exam Fran

 ROHJ 15-20 foot

ROF 40-50 foot


  1. Nate. Good work and pass. Pointers:

    1) Use "Jump-Fetch-Jump" as command. You will need that build in verbal "Jump" for thr next level of training, the upcoming PPP Class.

    2) Cease the "good girl" praise as she goes over the jump. Your praise should ONLY be for the command given, the exercise complete, and ONLY if the dog needs it to succeed. Constant praise or praise at the wrong time causes the praise to lose its power to motivate.

    3) Step back farther away from Front Place Board when Fran returns to SSIF. Looks like she is to close.

    4) Your Swing hand signal, is a bit muddy.

  2. Swing hand signal needs to be palm down to ground, a 270 counterclockwise circle, hand going away from your body in front and then returning on the 270 circle close to your body. You'll need clarity of that Swing hand signal for field work, for formal casting and for part of the upcoming PPP Class.

  3. ROF . Pass. Pointers?

    Same as above.

    Keep left hand in 'O' position on leash to maintain control when needed. You will need that for the upcoming PPP Class.

  4. Thank you! We will keep working! Looking forward to the next class!
