Monday, December 5, 2022

Week 9 Exam (I think)

 We’re a little behind because of our vacation to Florida via Colorado! I’ve been watching the Week 9 videos and practicing with Molly for about 5 days. I thought we’d give the test a whirl. Here it is.

I have to work on the SSIF. She’s a little cockeyed probably because I’m pulling her in from the side??


  1. Great fun on a cold day!

  2. Good work. The sequencing is excellent Mary.

    1) Please do Placed Retrieves and DO NOT move your feet at all. She needs to be able to find 'Front/SSIF ' on her own no matter where you are. You constantly move to accommodate her and that is not what you want to do, she is responsible to find YOU and do SSIF on her own.
    2) Cease moving on the Finish, she can find 'Heel' position on her own.
    3) Having 2 matching in size Front Place Boards would help greatly with SSIF and Heel positions.
