Saturday, December 10, 2022

Rebekah & Mimosa Week 8 HOLD Stair Test


  1. She is finally getting it! We did have to use the leash around her belly but the second time there was hardly any pressure on it

  2. Yeah! Excellent handling Rebekah. I know thr leash wrap around the flanks is cumbersome to do. But a skittish, small dog often fails to pass this HOLD Part 3 Stair Test because their safety default is to be into a Sit. Once worked with a MinPin that would default into a Sit everytime. That MinPin caught stuck at this point in their retrieve training and this leash wrap around the flank was the only way to train that MinPin involving with its DB. So this experience with Mosa has been an exceptional learning education for you as a future Instructor.

    Tough distractions, noisy, extra people, whew...and yet Mosa succeeded. So too did you Rebekah.

    Pass and a well earned pass for you both!
