Wednesday, November 30, 2022

11-30-22 Ruth's 2nd Lesson 10 EXAM: The Chair Test

This was done today and with a total stranger. Ruth did exceedingly well. Ace was losing his marbles yelling, "Do me, I KNOW how to retrieve on command too!" So we did. This was super hard on Ruth as it was her DB so I had Jessi commmand, "Ace, Fetch" after Ruth LAUNCHED on command of Jessi's 1st "Fetch.' ALL in ALL, some mighty fine training today.


 Week nine exam 10 retrieves 80% success

Friday, November 25, 2022

RTP Fall Retrieve 2022 chair test

Just uploaded Lesson 8 and Lesson 9, Days 1-6

 Right now Blogger is not allowing me to Comment to my New Post.  Will try again later.  But Lesson 8 and Lesson 9 is uploaded.

The New Post showing the sequence of Lesson 9 with Ruth this week is fascinating. For those who have passed their Week 8 EXAM Stair Test, go onto Lesson 9.


There are many ways to fail at this Lesson, post videos so I can review and make sure you and your dog succeed.

Lesson 9 continues with Ruth during Thanksgiving Week.

 Day 2


Day 3 

Day 4

The Lesson 9 Photo Sequence of 'Heading to the Ground'

Day 5: beer can'n'snow retrieves-:)

Day 6

Explanation of Lesson 9 changes  

 And here we go heading to the ground, officially,

Fran w8

 Stair challenge w8

Kim & Kara week 9, leather object

Yes after i said no caging i caged the first three times. I just added extras on the tsil end.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Lesson 7 Exams Mary/Molly


We’re in Colorado at my sister’s house. It snowed here last week. Molly is loving it! 

After some fun in the snow, we got serious and worked on our Lesson 7 exams:

The 90 second hold with a high level of distractions. We did this one earlier in the week. 

The jump/jump.

The 12-15” retrieve, heading to the ground, in high distractions (at McDonald's with employees walking in and out dumping trash). There was one EC. 

The swing

The heeling stick..

The End!

RTP Fall Retrieve 2022 jump jump holding walk

Lesson 8 Preview Molly/Mary

We’re going to miss 2 weeks of classes while we’re in Florida visiting our son and his family for Thanksgiving. I thought we’d see if Molly is ready for Week 8.  

Here’s Molly in a stand/ holding her dumbbell while I circled her three times.

Roxanne worked with Molly on moving with while holding the dumbbell, of course ending on a high note of success!

Here we are at our first attempt at stairs while holding the dumbbell.
We were at a strip mall and I have to say I have never seen so much trash in a stairwell. We did find  2 quarters, though!! Score!


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Lesson 7/8 (HOLD, Part 3) EXAMS. Roxanne/Ruth

 I am showing the Lesson 7 EXAMs for this week, however, I have already posted the Lesson 7 HOLD EXAM so will be sharing Ruth's Lesson 8 EXAM, the Stair Test.  She is ready to go onto Lesson 8 so I started that introduction today.

We WILL have class this Sunday and next Sunday.

Here's the warm-up for the Lesson 8 HOLD EXAM

Here is Ruth's Lesson 8 "HOLD" Part 3, the Stair Test EXAM


 Here is Ruth's Lesson 7 retrieve EXAM in NEW and VERY HIGH DISTRACTIONS  

Ruth's Lesson 7 "Jump-Jump" EXAM  

 Finally, Ruth's Lesson 7 Heeling Stick EXAM

Rebekah & Mimosa Week 6 Exams

Friday, November 18, 2022

RTP Fall Retrieve 2022 week6 hold exam

Lesson 7 EXAM(s). There are 5 EXAM(s)

Link to Lesson 7 EXAM(s) 

Kim & Kara First Dog Show 11/2022

This is our very first ribbon. That it is blue, has me amazed. When Richard brought Kara home a year ago we had no plan to go to a dog show. When we started training her with Roxanne and Manerly Puppy all we where aiming for was a well behaved farm dog that minded.
I post this picture because it is a visual, showing the result of a year of work and training with Kara. I'm so glad Roxanne incouraged me to go to the show. Because of it, I look at myself and my dog differently. "Wow! We did that." It is quite an esteem builder. Each step along the way. The foundation course, the retrieve course, the titling a dog class built my confidence The actual experience of attending a dog show was exciting. What made it such a fun and a great time was the people that where there with me.
There, was laughter,there were tears. There were lows and highs. Through it all we helped and supported each other. I want to thank Loni, Rebekah, Jessie for all the support and help, at the show and before the show. I love my dog training group! Your all awesome! Most of all I want to thank Roxanne for her patients and believing in me when I did not believe in myself. The dog show was the high point of my 6th decade on this earth. Thank you so much for giving that to me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Observations from Brad Christenson regarding this past AKC weekend trials

Attending my first Obedience and Rally as an father/cheerleader/observer was interesting. There were some frustrating things about the organization and logistics of the event, but the dog trainers and the in-ring experience were delightful. 

As we arrived, we found a desk with two people from the club. I mentioned we were new; that this was our first event and asked if they could help explain how things would work, what is expected of us, where we should set up etc. We were greeted with unexpectedly unhelpful responses which matched the rude tone Brooke received on the phone a few days earlier from the same person. I was taken off guard. I thought that a sport yearning for young blood would be more than overenthusiastic to help us have a good experience. 

So we stumbled our way around the venue until Roxanne and team arrived. My frustrations melted away as we were embraced and reassured and guided by all of them. Alice and Mabel had the unfortunate opportunity to go first in both Beginner Novice and Novice Rally. We assumed they did alphabetical order and I mentioned to Alice that we should have named her Zulu or Zanzabarbara or something like that. We watched the other Novice classes to understand the in-ring expectations. All the trainers did so well, and it was so helpful to watch them work with their dogs. With nothing else, Alice and Mabel stepped into the ring and exceeded all expectations. I was so proud. I know how hard they have both worked. They not only gave it a wonderful effort, they qualified with a 3rd place finish in group! 

Alice and I had a fun time collaborating with the team as Rally approached. Again, we watched the other trainers, got pointers, saw mistakes and again, Alice and Mabel performed marvorously and qualified with a 4th place finish.

There were many similarities between Obedience and Field, including some familiar faces. My favorite similarity is how much both field work and obedience work are work. Even though the work is different in kind, the trainers and dogs are working HARD. Field work is loud, fast, and intense, the obedience ring is slower, softer, calmer (on the outside) but it was just as intense. I found myself holding my breath through the turns and commands. I caught a vision for where Alice and Mabel will be someday. I'm so excited for them to get there. 

We can't wait for the next one.

Brad Christensen

Kim & Kara Rally

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Kim & Kara First Dog Show

First day.
Second day
Sunday. I have a title. I'm shocked and amazed!

11-13 thru 11-15 Lesson 7 EXAM, the "HOLD" part 2 and the Lesson 7 retrieves 'heading to the ground in HIGH distractions'. PASS!!!


Friday the 11th HOLD practice  

 Saturday the 12th retrieve practices  

 Monday the 14th HOLD EXAM Part 2  

 Tuesday the 15th HOLD EXAM Part 2

Week 7 Exam 2 Kim/Kara & Mary/Molly

After our hike this morning we did Week 7 Exam 2, the 90 second hold with high distractions. At this point in the morning, it had “warmed up” to about 26 degrees! 

Fun morning!!!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Lesson 7

 Lesson 7 is uploaded for those that feel they have passed the 3 EXAM(s) for Lesson 6. I will review your Lesson 6 EXAMS today and provide feedback.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Lesson 6 Exam

 The 90 second hold.

The jump. 

The 12” retrieve heading for the ground.

While Molly was doing her 90 second hold this morning,  Boaz was right at my feet the whole time. When Molly was done, Boaz nudged her out of the way and jumped onto the place board and sat at attention. He obviously wanted to work! I thought about how Roxanne says dogs like to work. Well, Boaz proved her right today. He was saying in his own way, "my turn, me, me, me!"


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Week 5 Exam…and the day before!

 I tried the week 5 exam on Saturday morning. To say the least, it was a mess.

Roxanne worked Molly and as you’ll see, she ended on a high not. Yay!

After that, we went home and Molly slept for about 3 hours! 

The next day, we tried the exam again and I have to say I was honestly amazed at Molly’s retrieve. She moved forward and opened  her mouth! Watching this video, I realize though her retrieves were much better, the set up takes too long because she’s so squirrelly. I’m going to have to give her an “out” much sooner. 

There is hope after all.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Week 6 part 3

Here are the retrieves. The kitten was driving Kara crazy.

Week 5 Exam

This has been a tough week. I’m frustrated with myself, my mechanics and my timing. We tried an exam this afternoon. Here it is, fumbles and all.

First the distractions. I think that can of tuna is what makes her cry 😂

Then a shot at the exam. 

I did a few more that shows the front view.

RTP Fall Retrieve 2022 exam 5

11-4-2022 Ruth's Lesson 5 EXAM

Link to Ruth's Lesson 5 EXAM in HIGH and unusual disstractions